Ⓥ - vegetarian, GF - gluten free. We can prepare other dishes in gluten free version as well, ask your server for more details.
Please note: we are not a gluten-free restaurant and cannot ensure that cross contamination will never occur. We have processes in place to minimize that happening, but traces of gluten might be present in the air and on our work surfaces.
Crispy & Delicious
Potato Pancakes
Potato Pancakes - Placki Ziemniaczane - $12.99 Ⓥ
Apple or mushroom sauce / Sos jablkowy lub grzybowy
Beef Tenderloin Tartar - Tatar z Poledwicy Wolowej - $13.99 GF
Pickle, onion, marinated mushroom, egg yolk / Ogorek kiszony, cebula, grzyby marynowane, zoltko
Grilled Sausage & Pierogi - Kielbasa z Grilla i Pierogi -$12.99
Served with sauteed onion / Podawane ze smazona cebulka
Hearty, Warming Sauerkraut Soup
Chicken Noodle / Rosol z Makaronem - $5.99
Sour Soup w/ Hard Boil Egg & Sausage / Zurek z Jajkiem i Kielbasa - $5.99
Sauerkraut Soup / Kapusniak - $5.99
Tripe Soup / Flaczki - $10.99
Red Borsch with Mushroom Dumplings or Croquett / Barszcz z Uszkami lub Krokietem - $6.99
Cup of Red Borsch / Kubek Barszczu - $3.99 Ⓥ GF
Loaded with Flavor
Salmon Salad
Caesar Salad - Salata Cesarska - $11.99 Ⓥ GF-without croutons
Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, egg, croutons, served with homemade caesar dressing / Salata rzymska, pomidory, jajko, grzanki, podawana z domowym sosem cesarskim
- add grilled chicken breast / dodaj grillowana piers z kurczaka - $4.99
Salmon Salad - Salata z Lososiem - $15.99 GF
Grilled salmon, romaine hearts, cranberries, pecans, feta, served with raspberry vinaigrette dressing / Losos z grilla, salata romanska, zurawina, orzechy, ser feta, podawana z sosem malinowym vinaigrette
Perfect Lunch
Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Pork Chop Sandwich / Kanapka z Kotletem Schabowym - $15.99
Tomato, lettuce, cucumber, onion, cheese, mayo, served with fries / Pomidor, salata, ogorek, cebula, ser, majonez, podawana z frytkami
Breaded Chicken Sandwich / Kanapka z Panierowanym Kurczakiem - $15.99
Tomato, lettuce, cucumber, cheese, mayo, served with fries / Pomidor, salata, ogorek, ser, majonez, podawana z frytkami
Entrees are served with side salad and homemade mashed potatoes / dania glowne podawane sa w zestawie z surowka i ubijanymi ziemniakami.
Taste of Poland
Polish Food Assortment
Polish Food Assortment - Polski Talerz - $19.99
Stuffed Cabbage, Pork Chop, Sausage, Pierogies, Potatoes / Golabek, Kotlet Schabowy, Kielbasa, Pierogi, Ziemniaki
Breaded Pork Chop - Kotlet Schabowy - $18.99
Served with braised cabbage or sauteed mushrooms / Podawany z duszona kapusta lub podsmazanymi grzybami
Vienna Cutlet / Kotlet po Wiedensku - $19.99
Served with egg cooked sunny side up and sauteed onions / Podawany z jajkiem sadzonym i cebulka
Lublin Pork / Schab po Lubelsku - $19.99
Pork chop with egg sunny side up on a potato pancake with mushroom sauce / Podawany na placku ziemniaczanym z jajkiem sadzonym i sosem grzybowym
Pork Knuckle / Golonka - $19.99 GF
Baked or boiled, served with sauerkraut and mustard / Pieczona lub gotowana, podawana z kapusta kiszona i musztarda
Hungarian Pancake - Placek po Wegiersku - $19.99
Potato pancakes served with goulash, mozzarella cheese & sour cream / Placki ziemniaczane podawane z gulaszem, serem mozzarella i smietana
Savory & Filling
Meatballs in Creamy Dill Sauce
Meatballs / Klopsy - $15.99
Served in dill or mushroom sauce / Podawane w sosie koperkowym lub grzybowym
Stuffed Cabbage / Golabki - $17.99 GF - without gravy
Stuffed with meat & rice, served with creamy tomato or mushroom gravy / Golabki z miesem i ryzem, podawane z sosem pomidorowym lub grzybowym
Pork Goulash / Gulasz wieprzowy - $15.99
Served with mashed potatoes / Podawany z ubijanymi ziemniakami
Beef Roast / Sztuka miesa wolowego - $19.99 GF
Served with horseradish or mushroom sauce / Podawana z sosem chrzanowym lub grzybowym
Beef Stroganoff / Stogonow - $19.99
Served with potato dumplings / Podawany z kopytkami
Veal Liver - Watrobka Cieleca - $19.99
Served with sauteed onions / Podawana z podsmazana cebulka
Grilled Sausage
Grilled Sausage / Grillowana Kielbasa - $15.99
Served with sauerkraut & onions / Podawana z kapusta kiszona i cebula
Chef's Chicken - Kurczak Specjalnosc Szefa - $19.99 GF
Chicken Breast served in creamy sauce with blue cheese and mushrooms / Piers z kury w sosie smietanowym z serem plesniowym i grzybami
Breaded Chicken Breast / Panierowana Piers z Kurczaka - $17.99
Smakosz Chicken - Kurczak Smakosza - $18.99
Chicken breast cutlet served with mushrooms and mozzarella cheese / Kotlet z kurczaka z grzybami i serem mozzarella
De Volaille - $18.99
Breaded prime chicken breast, rolled up and fried
Chicken Liver / Watrobka Drobiowa - $15.99 GF
Served with sauteed onion / Podawana z podsmazana cebulka
Grilled Salmon / Losos z Grilla - $19.99 GF
Served with steamed vegetables / Podawany z warzywami na parze
Rainbow Trout / Pstrag - $19.99 GF
Pan fried with butter, served with steamed vegetables / Smazony na masle, podawany z warzywami na parze
White Fish / Biala Ryba - 19.99
Pan fried served with tartar sauce / Z patelni podawany z sosem tatarskim
Pierogies are served with with a choice of sauteed onion, butter or sour cream. Fried pierogies $2.00 extra.
Pierogi podawane ze smazona cebulka, maslem lub smietana. Smazone pierogi $2.00 extra.
Grandma’s Style
Smakosz Style / W Stylu Smakosza - $16.99 Ⓥ
Buckwheat, cheese, fresh mint / Kasza gryczana, ser, swieza mieta
Sauerkraut & Mushroom - $16.99 Ⓥ
Kapusta i grzyby
Meat - $16.99
Potato & Cheese - $16.99 Ⓥ
Ziemniaki i ser
Spinach & Feta - $16.99 Ⓥ
Szpinak i ser feta
Sweet Cheese - $16.99 Ⓥ
Slodki ser
Blueberry - $16.99 Ⓥ
Cheese Blintzes
Blintzes / Nalesniki - $13.99 Ⓥ
Served with sweet cheese, sweet cheese & blueberries or apples / Podawane ze slodkim serem, slodkim serem i jagodami, jablkami
Finger Dumplings / Kopytka - $11.99 Ⓥ
Served with butter or sauteed onion / Podawane z maslem lub smazona cebulka
Meat Dumplings / Pyzy z Miesem - $14.99
Potato dumplings stuffed with meat, served with sauteed onions / Pyzy nadziewane miesem, podawane ze smazona cebulka
Chicken Nuggets / Paluszki z Kurczaka - $10.00
Served with fries / Podawane z frytkami
Side of Boiled Vegetables / Gotowane Warzywa - $4.00 Ⓥ GF
Side of Salads - Surowki (8 oz) - $4.00 Ⓥ GF
Side of Sauteed Cabbage / Kapusta Zasmazana (8 oz) - $4.00
Side of Sauteed or Mashed Potatoes / Ziemniaki Zapiekane lub Ubijane - $4.00 Ⓥ GF
Side of French Fries / Frytki - $4.00 Ⓥ GF
Side of Potato Dumplings / Kopytka - $4.00 Ⓥ
Side of Sauteed Mushrooms / Grzyby Zasmazane - $4.00 Ⓥ GF
Egg Cooked Sunny Side Up or Boiled - Jajko Sadzone lub Gotowane - $2.00 Ⓥ GF
Gravy - Tomato or Mushroom / Sos Pomidorowy lub Grzybowy - $3.00 Ⓥ
Sour Cream or Apple Sauce / Smietana lub Przecier Jablkowy - $2.00 Ⓥ GF
Slice of Apple Heaven
Homemade Apple Strudel / Domowa Szarlotka - $7.99 Ⓥ
Served with whipped cream / Podawana z bita smietana
Vanilla Ice Cream / Lody Waniliowe - $3.99 Ⓥ GF
Coffee, Tea / Kawa, Herbata - $3.50
Compote / Kompot - $3.50
Coke, Diet Coke, 7Up - $3.50
Juices: Orange, Cranberry / Soki: pomaranczowy, zurawinowy - $3.50
Perrier Water - Woda Perrier - $3.50
For Beer Enthusiast
Polish Beer
On Draft / Piwo Beczkowe - $8.00
Pitcher Of Draft Beer / Dzban Piwa Beczkowego - $30.00
Bottled Beer - Zatecki, Lech, Tyskie - $8.00
Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, White Zinfandel, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio - glass: $9.00, bottle: $30.00
Spice Wine - served hot / Grzaniec - $9.99
Vodka Martini - $9.99
Bloody Mary - $9.99
Margarita - served on the rocks - $8.99
Proudly serving: E&J Brandy, Johnnie Walker Red Label Whiskey, Jack Daniels Whiskey, Chivas Regal Whiskey, Hennessey Cognac, Jagermeister, Bacardi Rum, Jose Cuervo Tequila, Gin Seagram’s, Absolut Vodka, Sobieski Vodka, Zubrowka.
Smakosz Restaurant makes every effort to insure that the prices and items listed on our menus are up to date and correct. However, the prices and items listed on our web site menus are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice.
When menu and/or price changes are made, those changes may not be immediately reflected on this web site. We post to this web site as often and as quickly as possible, but sometimes these posts may be delayed for some reason or another. In that case, Smakosz Restaurant reserves the right to change menu selections, and/or the prices that accompany those items, as they appear on the menus at the restaurant. We do guarantee that all items and prices that appear on our menus at the restaurant are accurate, though it may occur that some items on the menu may be unavailable on occasion.
If any inconvenience on our customer’s part has occurred as a result of the delay of these web site postings, we apologize, and we will attempt to update our menu and prices more diligently in the future.
Smakosz Restaurant thanks you for your support and understanding.